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Cover Image
While on a voyage to a remote archipelago, the narrator is overcome by a premonition of evil. But the ship's captain pays no attention.
- Length: 10 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi
4 Stars
Cover Image
Goodman Brown keeps a midnight appointment in the woods near Salem Village.
- Length: 13 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Horror
4 Stars
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Adventure story following the circumstances surrounding the escape of a notorious prisoner from his Bermudan jail.
- Length: 26 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction
4 Stars
Cover Image
The first thing any physicist learns about traveling faster than light is that it is impossible.
- Length: 2 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Sci-Fi
3 Stars
Cover Image
As I turned the page the edge cut my finger
- Length: 2 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction
3 Stars
Cover Image
Simon cried and cried, but the textbooks say you’ve got to let them.
- Length: 5 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Humor
3 Stars
Cover Image
That first night in the Lodge, I had the strangest dream, though I didn’t seem to be asleep. A weight was pinning me down, as if a creature were crouching on my chest.
- Length: 15 pages
- Age Rating: 15
- Genre: Horror
3 Stars
Cover Image
There was always news, Antonio thought, as the announcer’s name started to boom out, and he was glad for that.
- Length: 13 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction
3 Stars
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On the morning of the Naming Day, I am up early.
- Length: 3 pages
- Age Rating: U
- Genre: Fiction
3 Stars
Cover Image
The target, the target. I had little to go on.
- Length: 16 pages
- Age Rating: 15
- Genre: Fiction
3 Stars
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Your thoughts trek to all the points of the compass, but still that twist eludes you
- Length: 3 pages
- Age Rating: 15
- Genre: Fiction
3 Stars
Cover Image
Not for the first time, the solution came to him in the middle of the night
- Length: 11 pages
- Age Rating: 15
- Genre: Fiction
3 Stars
Cover Image
There was something satisfying about spreading the grass evenly...
- Length: 10 pages
- Age Rating: 18
- Genre: Fiction
3 Stars
Cover Image
When he was only six years old his mother sent him to the mosque to learn the Quran
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction
3 Stars
Cover Image
The tree stood at ten, maybe twelve feet tall, but as far as the boy was concerned, it might as well have reached the grainy, spring sky.
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: U
- Genre: Fiction
3 Stars
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Top Short Stories
A game of Scrabble has serious consequences.
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Crime, Humor
5 Stars
“Go to Goldman’s Greenhouses. Joseph … will start you … at a buck sixty an hour.” His lungs empty of smoke, “Go talk to him. He’s your uncle. He’ll hire you.
- Length: 15 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction
5 Stars
A semi-barbaric king devises a semi-barabaric (but entirely fair) method of criminal trial involving two doors, a beautiful lady and a very hungry tiger.
- Length: 7 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction, Humor
5 Stars
Detective Inspector Dave Box entered the room: an elderly man sat motionless in a wheelchair in a blue dressing gown open at his pale chest, revealing sparse hairs and a plastic tube entering the bottom of his throat.
- Length: 11 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Crime
5 Stars
My mum is the undisputed tea-drinking heavyweight champion of the world… or at least the whole of South Lexington Avenue.
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Humor
5 Stars
Shepherd's family made money by being outlaws. Well, outlaws in the governments' eyes.
- Length: 16 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Crime
5 Stars
Olly Rice had given his life to literature, but what had literature given him? A wound in the head that oozed something worse than blood or brain matter.
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: 15
- Genre: Humor
5 Stars
Dessie O'Connell was 6 feet 3, thick of bone, and naturally muscular. Unlike almost all of the actors with whom he'd first competed for parts, he hardly needed to work out in order to resemble a Hellenic god.
- Length: 9 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Humor
5 Stars
The spark of his life was fading, but his mind was still sharp, and his memories cocooned him.
- Length: 2 pages
- Age Rating: U
- Genre: Humor
5 Stars
"Damn thing," old Ernie muttered, glancing up from his laptop. He reached out to shut off the annoying noise but noticed the call was from his area. This was unusual.
- Length: 13 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Crime
5 Stars
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