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Cover Image
As a man pursues the affections of beautiful young girl, he begins to experience a strange phenomenon that up till that point only affected her mother.
- Length: 25 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Horror
5 Stars
Cover Image
A student rents an apartment that looks onto the meticulously kept garden of the strange Dr Rappaccini and his beautiful daughter.
- Length: 28 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Romance, Sci-Fi
5 Stars
Cover Image
Holmes comes to the aid of the King of Bohemia, a case which brings him into contact with the adventuress Irene Adler.
- Length: 25 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Crime
5 Stars
Cover Image
The first man on earth recalls the early years.
- Length: 10 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction, Humor
5 Stars
Cover Image
A boy is influenced by his father's unusual explanations.
- Length: 9 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction
5 Stars
Cover Image
by Saki
A small grocery store comes up with an ingenious way of competing with the big city shops.
- Length: 7 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Humor
5 Stars
Cover Image
When asked for the time at a party, a man becomes aggressive and is strangely reluctant to look at his watch.
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Horror
5 Stars
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The story of a frantic chase, an apathetic crowd and a machete.
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: 15
- Genre: Fiction
5 Stars
Cover Image
A prospective buyer goes to look round a French chateau (complete with chapel and tombs) but finds the place deserted - apart from a strange pack of dogs.
- Length: 24 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Horror
5 Stars
Cover Image
A wicked enchantress imprisons a beautiful girl in a tower.
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: U
- Genre: Children
5 Stars
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An old man, his memory failing, searches for the grave of his lost love.
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction
5 Stars
Cover Image
The workers in a damp, underground bakery dote on a young servant girl from the floor above.
- Length: 14 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction
5 Stars
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Lisa returns to the island of her honeymoon to think about her marriage.
- Length: 3 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Romance
5 Stars
Cover Image
A poor family set their hopes on the return of a previously good-for-nothing uncle who left for America to seek his fortune.
- Length: 9 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction
5 Stars
Cover Image
Maupassant's short masterpiece following the journey of a group of civilians during the Franco-Prussian war.
- Length: 42 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction
5 Stars
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Top Short Stories
A game of Scrabble has serious consequences.
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Crime, Humor
5 Stars
“Go to Goldman’s Greenhouses. Joseph … will start you … at a buck sixty an hour.” His lungs empty of smoke, “Go talk to him. He’s your uncle. He’ll hire you.
- Length: 15 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction
5 Stars
A semi-barbaric king devises a semi-barabaric (but entirely fair) method of criminal trial involving two doors, a beautiful lady and a very hungry tiger.
- Length: 7 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Fiction, Humor
5 Stars
Detective Inspector Dave Box entered the room: an elderly man sat motionless in a wheelchair in a blue dressing gown open at his pale chest, revealing sparse hairs and a plastic tube entering the bottom of his throat.
- Length: 11 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Crime
5 Stars
My mum is the undisputed tea-drinking heavyweight champion of the world… or at least the whole of South Lexington Avenue.
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Humor
5 Stars
Shepherd's family made money by being outlaws. Well, outlaws in the governments' eyes.
- Length: 16 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Crime
5 Stars
Olly Rice had given his life to literature, but what had literature given him? A wound in the head that oozed something worse than blood or brain matter.
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: 15
- Genre: Humor
5 Stars
Dessie O'Connell was 6 feet 3, thick of bone, and naturally muscular. Unlike almost all of the actors with whom he'd first competed for parts, he hardly needed to work out in order to resemble a Hellenic god.
- Length: 9 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Humor
5 Stars
The spark of his life was fading, but his mind was still sharp, and his memories cocooned him.
- Length: 2 pages
- Age Rating: U
- Genre: Humor
5 Stars
"Damn thing," old Ernie muttered, glancing up from his laptop. He reached out to shut off the annoying noise but noticed the call was from his area. This was unusual.
- Length: 13 pages
- Age Rating: PG
- Genre: Crime
5 Stars
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