Horror Short Stories
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Henry pours more coal onto the hearth as a gust of wind rattles through the cracked window frame. She’s almost an hour late. He’s half tempted to leave a one-star review on her website, but he knows it won’t make a difference, not after tonight.
- Length: 14 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
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“Three years,” I tell her, “Three years since I saw you in the courtroom, lying to save your husband. Perjuring yourself and destroying our case.”
- Length: 17 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
The forest looked ethereal in the light from the moon overhead. Ghostly, eldritch, like Dave had stepped into another world. The branches swayed with a slight breeze, and the leaves rustled out a mellifluous harmony.
- Length: 15 pages
- Age Rating: 18
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Top Short Stories
"It's at the ranch, on the other side of the farm, in those mountains. All we need to do is catch it. Can you imagine how much we can sell it for?
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
As I gaze at the living room clock, I reach for the bottle on the coffee table. I take a drink, staring at the Roman numerals, listening for the ticking sound, but then I hear something outside.
- Length: 7 pages
- Age Rating: 15
5 Stars
“Are you sure you’re ready, Melvin?” She paused. “What happened the last time wasn’t your fault.”
- Length: 4 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
The forest looked ethereal in the light from the moon overhead. Ghostly, eldritch, like Dave had stepped into another world. The branches swayed with a slight breeze, and the leaves rustled out a mellifluous harmony.
- Length: 15 pages
- Age Rating: 18
5 Stars
I’d been hiding behind a particularly impressive tomb. It was like a big chest freezer carved out of stone, with a figure lying on top. “Recumbent,” as Kate informed me.
- Length: 9 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
The old farmhouse had idled on the market ever since the previous owners had died in a freak fire. Investigators had suspected arson but never uncovered evidence.
- Length: 6 pages
- Age Rating: 15
5 Stars
I’m actually looking forward to staying the night in an old castle.” Courtney glanced up the High Street. “I was told about the beauty of Broadway and I have to say, they were right. It certainly does take your breath away.”
- Length: 22 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
“Three years,” I tell her, “Three years since I saw you in the courtroom, lying to save your husband. Perjuring yourself and destroying our case.”
- Length: 17 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
Was this the reason his store had seen such a sudden decline in sales? And if so, what was so special about this new wave of bobbleheads?
- Length: 9 pages
- Age Rating: PG
5 Stars
The forest looked ethereal in the light from the moon overhead. Ghostly, eldritch, like Dave had stepped into another world. The branches swayed with a slight breeze, and the leaves rustled out a mellifluous harmony.
- Length: 15 pages
- Age Rating: 18
5 Stars
Top 20 Short Stories

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